Di postingan kali ini, kami mengulas tentang rebranding klub sepakbola asal Italia, Juventus, yang diusung oleh Interbrand.
4 brands that went flat in 2017
Flat design is still on a roll this year. The minimalist design approach highlighting on the usability and the clean UI has been around for years now, and it’s perhaps still going strong next year.
Dropbox redesign: a little too out of box
Just this week, Dropbox announced their redesign of the logo and web. It’s the service second overhaul to date, after the alteration of the condensed wordmark in 2015.
Desain Logo Malang Terbaik & Profesional
Kebutuhan jasa desain logo di Malang saat ini semakin diperlukan untuk menunjang bisnis, perusahaan ataupun personal. Logo diperlukan untuk membantu proses penyampaian pesan target pasar mengenai produk atau jasa yang sedang kita promosikan.
Jasa Desain Grafis Malang Terbaik & Profesional
Kebutuhan desain grafis di Malang, terutama branding, saat ini semakin diperlukan untuk menunjang bisnis, perusahaan ataupun personal.
September roundup: favorite covers by our illustrators
It’s been a couple of months since our last roundup, so now’s right time to do another one. Our illustrators picked their favorite(s) out of the newest kids on the block.
On branding: YouTube new redesign goes slick
On August 29, 2017, YouTube rolled out their newest logo. It looks significantly different than the previous ones, but to be honest, it just sits right.
On branding: Skype and the long overdue logo that went wrong
It’s been almost halfway through 2017, and things can’t get more interesting. Last week some platforms decided to roll out major updates, and we’re not impressed by it.
Covers design 101: how to make your books stand out
With only 8 seconds to convince readers that your book is worth the chance, relying on the cover is the way. But how? Check out our tips and trick.
Crafting your logo: color, font, and impression
With more and more women have become concerned with medical and beauty practices, the demand of beauty clinic has been steadily increasing in the past few years.